People who work in factories can suffer from a host of injuries. These include some that stem from accidents, such as digit amputations, and others that are the result of cumulative trauma, such as knee injuries or carpal tunnel syndrome. When the worker requires medical care or needs to take off work, workers’ compensation should come into the picture to pay for the medical bills and provide partial wage replacement when extended leave is necessary.
There are many different things that workers in this state should know about filing for benefits once they are injured. The workers’ compensation program is complex. Even if you aren’t injured now, it is a good idea to understand the basics.
Time limits apply
If you have an injury but don’t realize it right away, you might still be able to get workers’ compensation. You have 45 days from the date of the injury to notify the employer. It might be possible to still get benefits even if you notify the employer after that, but the benefits may not be at the maximum level.
You have a bit longer to file for workers’ compensation with the state commission. From the date of the injury, you have three years to file. Remember that the longer you wait to file, the longer you may have to wait for the benefits that you need.
Benefits vary
The benefits that you will receive from workers’ compensation vary based on the severity and type of the injury that you suffer. More serious injuries will likely qualify for greater benefits. The one benefit that is universal is medical care payments. Workers’ compensation will cover this for all qualifying injuries.
It is possible for you to receive disability payments if you can’t return to work at all or if your ability to work is significantly reduced. Disability payments are classified as either permanent or temporary and either partial or full. The information you receive about your claim will let you know what you qualify to receive.
If a worker dies due to a work-related injury, the family members left behind can qualify for death benefits. This can help with the financial challenges that come with the death.
There are some instances in which a person might have to appeal the decision regarding the benefits. They might also need assistance helping to move their case forward so consider this if you need to apply.